Refund and Returns Policy

Welcome to the Refund -Returns Policy Page

At MedEsy, we’re committed to offering you the best healthcare products. We understand that sometimes you may need to return a product, and we want to make this process easy for you.

For safety and legal reasons, we cannot accept returns for certain items like nasal sprays, injections, insulin, and others after they have been delivered. If you have concerns about a medication, please let us know during delivery, so we can address them properly.

We also cannot accept returns for personal care, baby care, food & nutrition, healthcare devices, and COVID-19 essential products like masks, gloves, sexual wellness products, pregnancy/fertility kits, and more. However, if any of these products are defective, deficient, or not as advertised, please contact our call center (Ph: 033 6666 6666) within 7 days of receiving them.

When returning products, please make sure:

  1. The item is unopened.
  2. It has its original packaging.

If you have any questions about our return policy or need assistance, please contact our customer support team at 033 6666 6666.

Please note that our return policy may change without notice, so we encourage you to review it each time you make a purchase.

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Thank you for choosing MedEsy. We appreciate your trust and are here to support your healthcare needs.

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Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.

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